Tuesday, July 14, 2009


My first approach to this assignment was technically incorrect. Instead of coming up with an enhancement which can be tried instantly i discussed with her all the enhancement which i thought could be worked out and were practical enough. Though she actually agreed with some of my ideas and wants to incorporate them in her business, nothing could be done right then or over a day or two. But in this process i did come to know a lot more about her. I realized how important it is to keep going at your work place. I also learned that a lot of thought does go into starting anything and all these people also try to do the best possible for their shop. So in a way my validation exercise was successful to some extent.
The things she agreed with :
  • the board needs to be repainted in brighter colours for a better visibility.
  • business strategy - special discount for students and packages consisting or three or four services most frequently asked for.
  • more space for people who are waiting outside the parlor
  • the shop needs to be painted in lighter colors and should be kept cleaner
  • there should be poster on the ground floor as well.
another thing which i realized after my second visit is sometimes talking to the owner you get to know a lot about customer reactions and customer satisfaction level which helps you know the place much more.

So i again visited the parlor to see what else can be done to enhance the place. The board besides being dull in colour also doesn't give the entire information. The people actually have to climb up an entire floor to know the timings of the parlor and that Tuesdays are closed. So i thought we should have these posters giving all these details. Also the staircase has no indication or directions mentioned. It needed a poster for that as well.

when i asked her if i could do it she said she wanted to do it herself. i think it was a very nice response as she was actually taking interest in whatever i was doing for her parlor.

Another thing which i did was putting a suggestion book in her parlor.

everyone has their own opinion about a thing like a parlor and i thought it will be nice if she could get their feedback and try to improve her parlor that way. also she could take down their phone numbers and and addresses to inform them about any new schemes she comes up with.

One of my earlier enhancements was to work out a business strategy where she could make these packages comprising of two or three services. This surprisingly worked as well. She plaaned out these offers where she made somethings free in those packages.

Besided this the only thing she let me do in her shop was putting up these tiny posters which sha has been saving for some time.

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