Monday, July 13, 2009


To design an enhancement for anything you first need to identify the problem areas. So i first listed down all the problem areas where i thought some improvement was needed.

• Improper utilization of space
• No privacy for customers
• Bad approach to the place
• Board not very noticeable
• Needs cleanliness
• Display- untidy, worn out posters
• Interiors very dull
• She is not ambitious
• No strategy or extra-ordinary skill
• Not publicized

The probable reasons for not paying attention to this includes lack of resources for sure. Also knowing her personally after that chat, I think she is not very ambitious. I looks as if not much of thought has gone into how the place has been set up. And she hasn’t ever looked the place from a different angle and never thought of bringing any improvement to the parlor.

So as a designer I looked at bringing improvements both with whatever she already has and also what she could add to it.

Space Utilization
The present set up of the place has a lot of tiny spaces that can be filled up so as to utilize the maximum space possible. Also while looking at space utilization I thought of working on privacy as well.
So i came up with a lot of arrangements that can be worked out with the existing furniture that she has. I added mirrors and some curtains for privacy so that people have their cabins to get their things done.

The present set up

The final set up which i thought of would have the following benifits
  • More mirrors
  • privacy for every customer
  • more presentable
  • comfortable to be used
  • another chair
  • proper washbasin
  • more space to move around
  • products better displayed

She could use box furniture so that all her boxes can go in and she can display more products there.
lesser furniture = more space to move around
her ready made clothes should be displayed in an open rack so that people waiting for her to get free from other customers can have a look at them on their own.
another way is making a normal bamboo stand which can be used to display all the clothes.

  • it will be light in weight
  • easy to be made
  • reasonable cost of making
  • can be dismantlement easily
  • does not occupy much space
Approach to the parlor
the way to the parlor is not very good. you have to go through a dirty staircase which does not have enough light. A lot of things can be done to improve that place.
  • the wall along the staircase can be painted
  • the staircase should be cleaned everyday
  • in the corner of the staircase there can be a poster giving direction to the parlor and can be done up nicely
  • there are a lot of plants just outside the parlor. probably that can be shifted as well.

the place just outside the parlour looks somewhat like this. now a lot of place is being consumed and its of no specific use.

on the other hand if we have the staircase just outside the door and leave the remaining are on the same level then probably she can put benches and make it into a waiting area. this would reduce the rush from inside the parlor as if there are a lot of people waiting inside it becomes very suffocating and it becomes very difficult for her to move.

If nothing can be added due to lack of resources, then a lot can be done with whatever is there already as well.
  • the wornout posters can be redone and can be placed in a better way
  • the certificate has to be reframed and put properly
  • there aren't many products on display. She should rather put them on display and put the boxes inside.
  • there should be regular cleacing of the entire parlor so it looks more hygenic
i think the colours and interiors of the place are very dull.Where as in a parlor you ned lighter colours like white and pastel shades. she could also keep all her tools and accesories colour coordinated so that it gives a more professional picture.

Business strategy
A lot of students stay in yelahanka. So a strategy around these students could earn her a lot of perminent customers.
she could make these packages with three or four regular services put together for a little lesser price. This will attract students as it will be affordable. Also people will tend to get all the things done and as its all in a pack.
Also she can have something like a student discount which again can earn her more customers.

For her regular clients she could probably maintain her own planner so that her work can go smoothely and the customers have their personal time with her. she could probably remind the customers every month about their appointments if she mqaintains the planner.
also she could plan a discount like 10 % for the ones who come everymonth for sure.

All this can help her improve her customer satisfaction level.

the board which is there now is white in color with the text in a faded blue. noe because the building is also white the board is not very noticeable. so the board can be made in a brighter colour and with attractions like different offers and low prices written on it.

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