Friday, July 31, 2009

Baseline survey

My first experience of a survey was in Narayanpura and was not like an amazing one. I shall start with my journey. Not knowing that there exist some four villages by the same name I reached the wrong Narayanpura . So it took me some 2 hours extra and some thrice the amount of money to actually reach the place of survey. So the first lesson learnt was that know the place and its location well before starting anything otherwise you end up wasting a lot of time.

Another thing which i realised after reaching there was that it was important that i should have read the entire form thoroughly and should have known what kind of information would i require from them for each question.

so i interviewd two people out of which the male knew how to read and speak english as opposed to the female who just knew kannada. So getting out answes was much easier from him than the female for whom I needed an interpreter.

But at the end of it quite a lot of the form was empty because - a large part of it was related to agriculture and also because i interviwed the younger generation who did not know much about the village as a whole.

What i gathered from the interview was that women in the village take part in all the activities relating pottery and share all the work with men. The younger generation (both male and female) have had a certain formal education and all the children go to schools.

It was a very brief interaction with those people. probably because i had the forms in my hands so it was just as long as i took to finish filling the farm. I think I should have spent more time with each person trying to know them beyond what they earn and how much cattle they have. But for having an informal conversation i think u need more time than just a day. otherwise if you are not familier to them the first question they ask is whta will I get out of it. What am i going to do for them or what will they get out of it.

After the entire exercise i wasnt satisfied with what I did that day because we may have the forms with us but the point was to know mare about the people and i just knew few words and numbers written against the questions in the form. I think I enjoyedtrying to know people for the first time when i went on asking them questions casually was much more fruitful than carrying a formal form.

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